The Institute of Biochemistry of Biologically Active Compounds of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus carries out qualitative identification and quantitative determination of a wide range of natural biologically active compounds (amino acids and their metabolites, water-soluble vitamins, steroid hormones) in various biological materials.
Application area:
- ecology and environmental protection: determination of nitrogen metabolism disorders in living organisms under changing environmental conditions;
- food industry: quality control and biological value of food products;
- agriculture: analysis of the biological value and quality of feed, bioadditives, phytochemical analysis of plant materials and agricultural products;
- medicine: monitoring of the biochemical status of the human and animal body, diagnosis of hereditary enzymopathies, biochemical testing in the field of metabolomics and proteomics of humans and animals;
- pharmacology: analytical determination of the active substances of drugs and dietary supplements based on amino acids, vitamins and steroid hormones.
Departure on object to the customer for sampling is possible.
- high quality, reliability, accuracy and reliability of the results obtained;
- availability and low prices.
The structure of the Institute is represented by departments, industry laboratories, groups, sectors and vivariums.
Detailed information:
Deputy Director for Research
phone: +375152314418; e-mail: