Grodno, 7 Antoni Tyzenhauz Square
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Vitaminology and nutraceuticals department

Moiseyonok Andrey Georgievich

Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences


Position: head of department

Phone: +375152559072

Mobile number: +375298867795


Profile in eLibrary


Main activities:

  • Study of coenzyme A-dependent mechanisms and correction of the redox-pharmacological defense system in modeling toxic, inflammatory and traumatic damage to brain structures.
  • Revealing the mechanisms of stabilization and interconnection of coenzyme A, glutathione systems and the redox status of tissue structures under physiological and extreme conditions.
  • Substantiation of technology for monitoring the redox status of blood circulation in critical and polymorbid conditions of the body.
  • Study of the primary mechanisms of regulation of biological processes under the influence of physical and chemical factors (I.I. Stepuro).
  • Studying the problem of diagnosing and eliminating vitamin D deficiency in the diet of the population and identifying the mechanisms of its pleiotropic activity.


List of key publications for 2018-2022:


  • Nutrition and metabolism: Sat. scientific Art. / National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Respubl. scientific research unitary enterprise "Institute of Biochemistry of Biologically Active Compounds of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus"; scientific ed. - corresponding member National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Dr. biol. sciences, prof. A.G. Moiseyonok. - Minsk: "Belarusian Science", 2020. - Issue. 5. - 323 p.
  • The concept of Spirichev V.B. D3 + 12 vitamins. Development and implementation: monograph / Ed. V.M. Kodentsova, D.V. Risnik, A.G. Moiseenka. - M.: ID BIBLIO-GLOBUS, 2020 - 236 p.
  • Bashun N.Z., Ragin P.V., Moiseenok A.G. Non-invasive methods for studying nutritional status: monograph. - Grodno: GrSU-2020,139-с.



  1. Moiseyonok A.G. Coenzyme A-mediated universal mechanism for the implementation of the redox-modulating and antioxidant potential of the cell // Oxygen and free radicals: collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference, May 15-16, 2018 [Electronic resource] / ed. prof. V. V. Zinchuk. – Electron. text. Dan. and progr. (volume 3.5 Mb). - Grodno: GrGMU, 2018. - 1 electron. opt. disc (CD-ROM). - S. 137-140.
  2. Moiseenok A.G., Gurinovich V.A., Katkovskaya I.N. Coenzyme A biosynthesis system in the CNS // Modern problems of biochemistry and molecular biology: collection of articles of the II Belarusian Biochemical Congress (Grodno, May 17-18, 2018) / National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; RNIUP "Institute of Biochemistry of Biologically Active Compounds of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus"; under total ed. I.N. Semeneni, A.G. Moiseenka. - Minsk: Information Center of the Ministry of Finance, 2018. - S. 698-705.
  3. Kanunnikova N.P., Gurinovich V.A., Moiseenok A.G. CoA-coding of cytosolic protein upon initiation of coenzyme A biosynthesis // Biochemistry and Molecular Biology / Biochemistry and molecular biology. Issue 2. Boundaries of biological sciences. Signaling and metabolism (Frontiers in Life Science. Signalling and Metabolism): materials of the 1st Belarusian-Polish-Lithuanian scientific conference dedicated to the 250th anniversary of Academician A. Snyadetsky, Grodno, November 8–9, 2018 - Minsk: Information Center of the Ministry of Finance, 2018. - S. 76-81.
  4. Astroўsky A.A., Maksimchyk Yu.Z., Gurynovich V.A., Astroўskaya A.B., Maysyanak A.G. Changed histalagic structure of the selazanka patsukow under the uzdzeyanny prednisolon and yago kambinatsyi z vitamins D / Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Series of Medical Sciences - 2019 - V. 16, No. 2. - S. 166-174.
    Ermakov V.V., Moiseenok A.G., Safonov V.A., Kovalsky Yu.V. Biogeochemistry of polyelemental microelementoses / Food industry: science and technology: scientific and technical journal - 2019. - No. 3 (45), V. 12 - P. 24–30.
  5. Moiseyonok A.G. Biosynthesis and redox activity of CoA - mechanisms of biological and pharmacological activity of pantothenic acid derivatives // Biochemistry and molecular biology: collection of scientific papers, issue No. 3; ch. ed. I.N. Semenya. - Minsk: Information Center of the Ministry of Finance, 2019. - S. 91-93.
    Moiseyonok A.G., Maksimchik Yu.Z., Khvesko I.S. Recommendations for achieving optimal vitamin D supply for various population groups // Food industry: science and technology. - 2020. - V. 13, No. 2, Issue. 48. - S. 14-20.
  6. Semenovich D.S., Kanunnikova N.P., Moiseyonok A.G. Oxidative stress in brain mitochondria in aluminum neurotoxicosis and the introduction of modulators of glutathione and coenzyme A biosynthesis // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. - 2020. - T. 64, No. 1. - S. 78-85.
  7. Moiseenok A.G., Maksimchik Yu.Z., Moiseenok E.A. Possibilities of the D-vitamin mechanism of body resistance to coronavirus infection / Coronavirus infection 2020: fundamental, clinical and epidemiological aspects: coll. scientific mater., under total. edited by V.G. Gusakova, A.M. Sergeyev. - 2nd ed. - Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2021. - P. 137–146.
  8. Moiseyonok A.G., Gurinovich V.A., Khvesko I.S., Maksimchik Yu.Z., Lukienko E.P. Micronutrient status in the prevention of covid infection / Science, nutrition and health: coll. scientific tr. At 2 o'clock, Part 1 / under the total. ed. Z.V. Lovkis // Scientific-practical. center of the National academy of sciences of Belarus on food. - Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2021. - P. 169-179.
  9. Moiseyonok A.G., Katkovskaya I.N. Progress in the study of coenzyme A biosynthesis, its functions and associated processes of neurodegeneration // Biologically active substances of natural origin in the regulation of vital processes: collection of articles of the Intern. scientific-practical. conf. dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Institute of Biochemistry of Biologically Active Compounds of the
  10. National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Grodno, October 5-6, 2021). - Minsk: Information Center of the Ministry of Finance, 2021. - P. 305–314.
  11. Moiseyonok A.G., Gurinovich V.A., Katkovskaya I.N., Lukienko E.P., Maksimchik Yu.Z. Coenzyme A - a modulating component of the development of oxidative and metabolic stress in the structures of the central nervous system // Oxygen and free radicals: collection of materials. scientific-practical. conf. with international participation, May 26-27, 2022 / ed. prof. V.V. Zinchuk. - Grodno: GrGMU, 2022. - P.116-118.